Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Bartolini MK-1 upgrade - > TL062 original OpAmps replaced by a set of 3 shiny OPA2196

 This modification is a significative  enhancement that will transform any MK-1 (and I would say any other preamp stuff based on TL06x  )  into a sort of  high-end low noise professional preamp unit.  

If You want to change the tonal performances of this specific preamp... please have a look at my previous posts on the argument !

 This modification requires good skills on managing and soldering SMD  components and of course will KILL  your pream If You do not know what You are doing....

So if You want to apply this mod  and You are not skilled enough.... ask to a friend with proper skills in a way  to perform the operation in a  safe mode !!!!!


I cannot totally understand the reason why in 2021 there are  still around preamp instruments and stompboxes units based on a  Operational Amplifier designed  in 1978.......
........... come on this is not a vintage tube stuff....  it's a raw opamp!  

TL06x is a 40 YEARS OLD device used now only for saving money ... and battery power...

Nowadays ...it's a kind of traditional stuff  like Santa Claus ... offering low power  consumption and a traditional FET high impedance input stage....   

but it' s limited.... also presenting  for instance a relevant NOISE to deal with...

For the benefit of the readers basically a TL06x is a depotentiated version of a TL07x  that would perform better.... but cannot be used into a battery powered device because of the related high power consumption....

To make a long story short ............

a lot of water is passed  under the bridges since 1978 and SOME very valid alternatives DO NOW EXIST on the market !!!!!!!!

My initial choice was to use a superstar chip like the LT1352 but this costs a fortune ....so i checked for something else with a highest  possible trade-off .....

I found a winner....!!!!!!!!!

And the winner is  ......STILL a Texas Instruments device ...... 


in my case an OP2196 IDR  ,  SOIC-8 format   :-)

So I ordered 3 of them from China at  less that 2 Euro per unit .. a a price that is of course 4 time the one for a TL062 .... but .... come on ..very reasonable for  such high expected improvements...

I recommend You to read the datasheet of this Operational Amplifier  but ... to sum up:

  • OPA2196 is RAIL TO RAIL (can run from 0 to batt level) while the TL062 is not 
  • OPA2196 has 3 time less noise than TL 062 !!!!!
  • OPA2196 standby power consuption is 20% LESS than TL062 !!!!!  
  • OPA2196 slew rate is 50% BETTER than a TL062 !!!!
  • OPA2166 gain bandwidth is MORE THAN double than the one of a TL062 !!!
  • OPA2196 voltage offset is 0.1 mvolt  while TL062 has a  6mvolt offset !!!!
  • OPA2196 voltage drift is 0.1microvolt per C° against 10 microvolt per C° of a TL062....!!!!
  • An OPA2196 WILL STILL work with a batt down to 4.5 V  while a TL062 will die  at 6V...

.... should I continue ? ?  


  NO ... LET'S get DEFINITELY  rid of the TL062 stuff..

So  the first step is to extract the preamp from your instrument, in my case my beloved CORT A4  and put in position for removing replacing the 3 TL062 used in the circuit:

Here is the preamp  unit BEFORE the operation:

I will not use an hot air gun because I do not want to generate too much mess and heat that can change the values of the capacitors around the ICs. 
I just put extra soldering tin lead  on the IC 8 pins  for easing the removal :

The three  original TL062 ICs removed.... say Goodbye..!!!!!


An after some clean up let's solder the 3 new OP2196   ..... with a LOT of CARE and PATIENCE:

Let's put the preamp  back into my Cort A4 controls cavity


And let's check the power consumption:

WHOAAAA    is this a power consumption   ????????

Kindof 1 milliamp ....   !!!!! 

More than 500 HOURS available with a 9V Battery !!!!!


Someone worried about the final result on the SOUND...   ????

NO do not be worried .... about the SOUND...

 just BE HAPPY !!!!!!

Sound is SUPER.....

If You like my work please consider
a little contribution using my paypal account:






  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ciao Savio . I'm located in Bergamo Italy.
    I think the best way to proceed is You to find
    a local repair shop in Brazil , or a friend with some
    electronic skills , then the modification will come easy, trust me.
    Best Regards

  3. I`d remove my question accidentally.
    So, can I use normal componentes (film carbon resistors, polyester capacitors, etc) instead of SMD components?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi! Thanks for Sharing! I've ready change My 3 tlc062 yo 3 opa2196, i puta a second battery to My cort b51, and when i play it using 18 volts it's make a crispy, crikling noise, i don't know what to do. 9 volts sounds great but 18... Any idea? Someone? thanks!

  6. Hi! I have done all the modification you presented here (SSP-MOD+ fine tuning). I have also changed TL062 with LT1352. The amount of work is not that big but I have some skills in soldering. The difference in sound quality is absolutely huge!!! The Cort basses are of nice build but the electronics is not great from the factory being noisy. With your mod it sounds like a premium bass. Thank you!

    1. Glad to to hear this.
      LT1352 are boutique ICs

  7. Hi. The bass still sounds amazing after few months :) but I am thinking about going further with the upgrade of the preamp. Do you think that a midrange frequency selector does make sense for this preamp? I can imagine it as a separate board with two or three selectable capacitors on the treble side. What do you think about this option? Thank you! Adrian.

  8. Maybe yes. It can be engineered. But this goes bejond an optimization concept of keeping the standard electronic. Bejond this I would replace the 2 pickups in favour of an original bartolini set.

  9. buenas noches déjeme primero agradecerle el gran trabajo realizado espero pronto suba un video sobre estas modificaciones y espero pueda realizar un guía de como revisar fallas en las tarjetas preamp se que muchos lo agradecerán lo segundo es que me pueda ayudar a solucionar una duda yo quiero realizar esta modificación en mi bajo CORT B5 el preamp que lleva es el MK1 pero hay dos piezas que no son idénticas a las de sus fotos las piezas son CORT A4 : CA71 pero en mi CORT B5 es : (706 16K 822) el numero de pieza es mas largo mi duda es si podre realizar lo modificación sin problemas aun teniendo mi CORT B5 esas piezas distintas a las que tiene su CORT A4 espero pueda ayudame con eso duda espero su pronta respuesta gracias
    PD: disculpe no poder enviar imágenes pero creo que por este medio no se puede

  10. Claudio Loletti8 August 2023 at 23:12

    Ciao. Very good work to improve the bass. Would you do the MODS for me if I ship you my preamp? Thanks

  11. Se alguém acha que não funciona estão engados e o resultado é ótimo.

    Excelente modificação, grande engenheiro. Fiz a modificação no meu Baixo Cort B5 Element e o som ficou muito melhor que original. As faixas de grave, médio e agudo ficaram bem definidos. Porém, usei capacitor de 10nf em C2 e C5, pois não encontrei com o valor de 8,2nf e o resistor de 5.1k não modifiquei para 8.2k, pois não encontrei no momento. Mas o resultado foi ótimo e eu mesmo fiz, pois tenho técnico em mecatrônica e eletrotécnica.

    Estou deixando meu Instagram caso alguém queira tirar alguma dúvida. Instagram: robassplayer
