Friday, 27 March 2020


After a very long  & boring  decoding session I finally managed to reverse engineer the whole circuitry .............................................................!!!!

 We can then see in the pic below the overall  organization of the MK-1 ensemble.
A kind of Google Maps Satellite vision of it...

Even if this implementation is maybe specific for a Cort A4 , I will bet my Hamster balls You will find more or less  the SAME setup on several other basses with very few variations.

If You are interested I have the fullsize 4000x4000 pixel image I  can share.


The preamp itself is based on three dual OpAmp TL062 . A total of 5 Operational Amplifiers are effectively used. In fact only half of the rightmost TL062 (IC3) is employed.  

This suggests me that sooner or later I will get rid of the half used Ic3,  obtaining a better organization of the things..... Less distortion , less noise,  less power consumption... :-)

We'll see...

As a sort of patch I found a diode added in parallel to the power supply. In my case this diode is meaningless as I have another  (schottky) diode in the battery compartment  in series to the +9v line. I phisically and digitally removed the diode (a common 1N4001).

In the whole circuit a virtual reference mid tension ground is used for driving correctly the  Operational Amplifiers in rail to rail mode.  A 4 components (2x 22uF + 2x22k)  resistive-capacitive divider is employed for creating the half tension Vref:

Be aware that externally all the potentiometers, input jack and pickups are grounded to the REAL GROUND , not to the vref virtual one!.

In the next post We'll see the organization of the preamp INPUT STAGE

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  1. Hi, thanks a lot for the posting. Very good!!! I am wondering if there is the ground connection missing in the pictures. Where do the red lines go from the components? I can see the input of the capacitor and resistor, but no loop or ground from there.

  2. Red lines for Vcc and ground tracks are on the back of the PCB that is a dual layer.
    Not many tracks on 2nd side , just a few.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi, great thanks for sharing. The value of 5 capacitors is not written in the picture. Can you give information about what they are. How can I contact you? What is your e-mail address?
